who is the architect?
Titel: who is the architect?
Undertitel: Edited by Building Diversity
Udgivelsesdato: 31-05-2023
Genre: Kunst, design og arkitektur
Forlag: Arkitektens Forlag
Oversat fra: engelsk
Format(er) | ISBN |
Hæftet bog | 9788774079941 |
Titel: who is the architect?
Undertitel: Edited by Building Diversity
Udgivelsesdato: 31-05-2023
Genre: Kunst, design og arkitektur
Forlag: Arkitektens Forlag
Oversat fra: engelsk
Format(er) | ISBN |
Hæftet bog | 9788774079941 |
Building Diversity: who is the architect? explores how the figure of the architect has been constructed and challenged in recent years. Traditionally perceived as male, Western, and individualistic, architects are now being urged to redefine themselves in a more diverse, inclusive manner. The publication discusses the need to challenge norms and establish caring as an essential quality in architectural discourse. With the threat of environmental collapse and other societal challenges, the need for collective teamwork and empathy has become central in establishing a common understanding that includes all beings. Building Diversity aims to tackle these issues and explore topics on diversity and equality in the architectural field’s past, present, and future.The publication features thoughts and ideas from a broad range of countries and diverse perspectives on the architectural profession, contributing to a wider dialogue about inclusion, intersectionality, and progress. Building Diversity is not intended to provide concrete solutions but aims to stimulate discussion and open up venues for hosting dialogues pointing to possible paths and the expansion of perspectives. It is an important contribution to the ongoing conversation about diversity and equality in the architectural field.
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